Installing plumbery package

You will need the latest version of the Python 2.7 language, which you can download for Linux, Mac and Windows at the following address:

You need pip, a package management system, to install modules related to plumbery. Should your system not have pip installed, run this command:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Install Apache Libcloud

The orchestration of cloud services is a hot topic these days. Apache Libcloud is evolving swiftly thanks to many contributions. For this reason, you are encouraged to install the development version of the library:

$ sudo pip install -e git+

This version is the one used by Plumbery, and it may be more advanced than the stable version of Apache Libcloud.

Install the plumbery package

Plumbery is available as a python package, so the installation, the upgrade, and the removal of the software are really easy.

Install the plumbery package

Plumbery is available on PyPi. You can install latest stable version using pip:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev
$ sudo pip install plumbery

The installation of python-dev is required for the installation of the module netifaces, that is used by Plumbery to get information about network interfaces.

For installation on Windows, you may need to first install the Python Compiler for VC++. Note this only works for Python 2.7. If you get an error on installation saying “error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat” this indicates you need to install this package.

$ C:\Python27\Scripts\virtualenv.exe .
$ .\Script\pip install plumbery

Upgrade the plumbery package

Use the following command to retrieve the version of plumbery that has been installed on a computer:

$ python -m plumbery -v

You can compare this information with reference information posted at Plumbery package at PiPy. If you have used pip to install the software, then you can use it again to upgrade the package:

$ sudo pip install --upgrade plumbery

Remove the plumbery package

Why would you bother about a small set of files at a computer? Anyway, if needed here is the command to remove Plumbery from a python environment:

$ sudo pip uninstall plumbery