Installing plumbery from GitHub

Maybe you want to upgrade the on-line documentation of Plumbery. For this you have to edit the .rst files that are in the docs directory. Or you want to extend plumbery engine, for a new or special usage. Or you would like to troubleshoot an issue and put some print() statements in the code. And why not fix a bug or even implement a new feature?

In all these situations, you would like to get a full copy of all files, and change them at will on your own computer.

Install the plumbery development environment

Some precautions are needed if you really want to contribute to the Plumbery project. This is not really difficult, if you follow comprehensive instructions provided at How to contribute to Plumbery?

On the other hand, to dump a full copy of the software then you can clone the latest development version from Plumbery repository at GitHub:

$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev git
$ sudo pip install -e git+

Remove the plumbery development environment

Type the following command to clean the python runtime:

$ python develop --uninstall

Then you have to go back to the directory where plumbery was downloaded, and remove files by yourself.